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Coursera University Offers Several Excellent Marketing Courses

It's not always easy to discern which online digital marketing courses are the best, especially in this digital age. We've all gotten used to instantaneous information, and it can be difficult to sift through marketing cliches to find the real ones. There are some simple things to consider though that should help.

Top Online Platforms For Marketing Courses: Email Marketing An online marketing course should cover the basics of email marketing from landing pages to autoresponders. It should address the ins and outs of optin forms and follow-ups but really dig deep into the basics of email marketing. This is a marketing channel that has been used by marketers for years, but there are always new ways to approach it. It covers a basic formula, but each person who uses it or sees it does things differently. The email marketing basics course should cover all the bases here.

Top Digital Marketing Platforms For Marketing Courses: Facebook Ads An online marketing course should at the very least cover Facebook ads and how they work, but should go into detail about how Facebook apps can help you market your products or services. The Facebook ads platform offers a wide variety of reporting options and insights that can help you understand which ads are working for you and which aren't. Learning what the options are and how to make them work for your business is just as valuable as any of the other digital marketing courses you might consider.

Top SEO Courses: Coursera If you're just getting started with SEO, then the best part of this overview is probably the beginning, because it will lay the ground work for what's to come. But you still need to learn the nuts and bolts of SEO so you can implement the basics into your own SEO strategy. Coursera is an excellent choice for this. It covers everything you need to know to start building links, writing content, optimizing your web pages, PPC, and much more.

Self paced & Pro pacing Options: Which path you choose is up to you. If you find you like online courses and wish to take them more slowly, then there are plenty of self paced, or pacing, or full-length digital marketing courses out there. They can be found all over the web, so no matter what your schedule or availability, you should be able to find one to fit you. Many of them are free, but there are also pros and cons to each. If you have limited time and want more specific topics covered, then you might be better off choosing one of the pros.

Top Free Digital Marketing Courses: Google AdWords Google is by far the largest search engine and has lots of functionality built in to its system. It offers a great deal of information on how to use all of the Google AdWords tools available to you, as well as great tutorials on how to market your site using the Google AdWords network. This is a free service, but you do have to pay for some of the other features, such as account sign-up, ad viewing, and account management. Most of these tutorials are available in video formats, so if you have a good internet connection you can get started right away.

Top Paid Courses From Coursera There are a ton of courses available from Coursera. Their website claims to have over 35 hours of marketing-related training. All the training is available through the internet, so you don't have to leave your home to get started. The online marketing training includes great functionality such as keyword research, SEO strategies, and social media marketing. The website is easy to navigate and their tutorials are easy to follow. If you're looking to monetize your website, or are unsure about the functionality of their marketing tools, then you might want to look elsewhere.

A Course From Email Marketing Professionals targets those who are already in the business of email marketing. They offer an 8-week course called email courses in action that covers all of the bases. This course covers everything from how to manage and optimize your website, creating new campaigns, and choosing the right campaigns to send out to your list of subscribers. With this course you can be up and running marketing your products in less than two months time.