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Cosmetic Tooth Repair: What To Expect And How To Choose A Dentist

If you have cosmetic tooth repair needs, it is important to know what to expect before you go in for your appointment. There are a few different types of cosmetic tooth repair, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. Here's a breakdown of the different types:

Crown Repair: Crowns are usually the most damaged and need the most extensive repair because they’re visible. This type of repair is done by either replacing the entire crown or just repairing any cracks or chips. Crown repairs can last anywhere from 6 to 12 months, but they typically require several visits to get it just right. You can browse this website to find a guide to crown repairs.

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Restorative Dentistry: Restorative dentistry involves fixing small problems like a chip out, missing teeth, or minor decay without having to replace any parts of your tooth. This type of dental work is usually completed in one visit and can last anywhere from 6 to 12 months. 

Inlays & Onlays: Inlays and Onlays are dentures that are custom-made to fit your specific needs. They’re made out of plastic, metal, or other materials and can be colored to match your natural teeth. Inlays and Onlays typically last around 2 years before they need to be replaced, but they may need to be replaced sooner if you experience significant wear and tear. 

Dentures: Dentures are a long-term solution that provides support for your teeth while you’re not wearing them. They come in two types: full dentures which cover all of your teeth and partial dentures which only cover a certain number of your teeth. Dentures can last anywhere from 6 to 12 years, but they may need to be replaced sooner if you experience significant wear and tear.