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Exploring The Advantages Of Using Coreless Paracord

Paracord, also known as parachute cord or 550 cord, is a versatile and durable cord that has become popular in various outdoor and survival situations. Traditionally, paracord had a nylon core that provided strength and durability. However, a new innovation in paracord technology has emerged – coreless paracord. Coreless paracord does not have internal nylon strands, making it lighter and more flexible. In this article, we will explore the advantages of using coreless paracord.

One of the main advantages of coreless cord is its weight. With no internal strands, the cord becomes significantly lighter than traditional paracord. This makes it easier to carry around on outdoor adventures, reducing the overall weight of your pack. 

Another advantage is its flexibility. Without the inner nylon strands, the cord becomes more pliable and easier to handle. This flexibility allows for easier knot tying and manipulation of the cord. It also makes it easier to pack and store, as it can be wound up tightly without the bulkiness of the inner strands.

Furthermore, coreless paracord is still incredibly strong and durable, despite not having the inner nylon strands. It can still support heavy loads and withstand harsh outdoor conditions. This makes it a reliable choice for different applications, such as making shelter, securing gear, or even creating makeshift repairs in emergency situations.