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Asphalt Repair in Charlotte, NC: How to Keep Your Pavement Looking Good?

Asphalt repair in Charlotte, NC is a key part of maintaining a beautiful, safe and long-lasting driveway or parking lot. Charlotte is known for its warm climate, hot summers, and frequent rain showers, which can all have a significant impact on the condition of asphalt. If neglected, asphalt can become cracked, broken, and unsafe. Fortunately, there are several ways to keep asphalt in good condition and prevent costly repairs, including sealcoating, crack filling, and patching. Asphalt repair & maintenance in Charlotte, NC is your go-to source for reliable and affordable asphalt repair and maintenance services.

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Sealcoating is a great way to protect asphalt from the elements and keep it looking good. Sealcoating is a protective layer applied to asphalt that helps prevent water, sunlight, and other environmental factors from damaging the surface. It also helps keep the asphalt color consistent and prevents the formation of ruts and cracks. Sealcoating should be done at least every two years to ensure the best results.

Crack filling is another important part of asphalt repair in Charlotte, NC. Cracks in asphalt can quickly become dangerous and cause further damage to the surface if not repaired quickly. Crack filling is a process that involves filling in cracks with a specialized material to prevent water from seeping into the asphalt and causing further damage. 

Lastly, patching is a necessary part of asphalt repair in Charlotte, NC. Patching is the process of filling in larger cracks, potholes, and other areas of damage with asphalt, gravel, and other materials. This helps restore the surface and keep it looking good.